Helpful Hints

There are a TON of things I learned along the way.  Hopefully some of my tips will help you as well!

How do you _____ on the knot?!?

... post on the baltimore board??
I recommend lurking for a bit before posting.  Not for any other reason but just to see how the board works and to learn a little bit of etiquette. But don't be scared to jump on in when you are ready! The Baltimore board is a great group of girls who are more than willing to help with any of your questions! That being said... a few tips are...
- Try to use correct punctuation, spelling and capitalization.  NO 1 LIKES 2 BE TALKED 2 LIKE DIS!!!!!!!!  A typo here and there won't be an issue, but if your post is difficult to read or understand, no one will really offer to help either .
- Search back at least 2 or 3 pages to see if a question has been asked.  We don't expect you to read every single post but if you want to know about Photographers, and there is a post 3 posts down about photographers, that gets annoying. 
- If you want us to suggest a vendor try to give us as much information as you can  - what is your budget (and don't say tiny or small... to some people that means $500, to some it means $3,000)? what area are you looking to get married in? how many guests are you expecting? You will get a lot more specific and helpful responses if you give as much info as possible in your original post.
- Always remember this is a public board.  Sometimes it is hard to remember that anyone can see what you post, not just the "public" knotties.  Anyone includes vendors, possible friends or BP members, even your FMIL.  So, just remember before you vent, someone may be watching!

... put a picture in your siggy??
1. Upload your photo to shuterfly or photobucket
2. Resize it as appropriate.  Right click, go to properties, copy the location code.
3. Go to and paste the location code to get a smaller url.
4. Click on the smiley face icon on any knot chat board, this opens your profile.  Scroll down to the signature box.

5. Use the following code to make your image appear
<image src="http://tinyurlhere">
6. If you want to put things on different lines add <br> between images, phrases, etc.

... make my siggy pic smaller??
<*img width=300 src="tinyurl here"*>
If you use this code (delete the *'s) just change the 300 to a lower number and it will make the picture smaller.

... post a clickly link??
[*url][*/url] (again, remove the stars)

... post a picture in a post (PIP)??
[*img]tinyurlhere[*/img] (again, remove the stars)  Make sure the tinyurl is NOT bold, TK doesn't like that.

**I stole some of this from Loveofjoe11... she showed me the way!**

Websites I love!

- Vistaprint - the first thing you need to do is sign up for their e-mails.  Be prepared because you will get at least one, sometimes two, emails per day.  However, you will get a ton of free stuff (just pay for shipping).  I saved all the e-mails and flagged any ones that were for a free upload (they are fewer and farther between, but worth the search!).  Even though the e-mails have expiration dates, they really don't apply as long as you enter the site by that particular e-mail.  I was ordering off of a February special in May!  Just a warning... do not click on any of the additional ads or things they will try to sell you at the end.  I didn't have any problems but some people have complained of being signed up for things they didn't intend to sign up for.  But their quality for price can't be beat!!

-Wedding Wire - TK doesn't always approve of negative vendor reviews, so I used wedding wire a lot as well to read other vendor reviews.